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Investigating Venezuela's 'humanitarian crisis': Max Blumenthal tours a supermarket in Caracas
Where Are The 'Empty Shelves' Max Blumenthal Tours Caracas Supermarket
When Max Blumenthal went to a Caracas supermarket (how The Greyzone lies about Venezuela)
Max Blumenthal: Venezuela's Opposition Is No 'moderate Left'
Max Blumenthal: Mass Media Is Solidly Pro-Venezuela Opposition
THE HEAT: Venezuela Crisis Pt 2
Venezuela's opposition pleads for US intervention - Max Blumenthal reports from Caracas march
South Florida experts weigh in on crisis in Venezuela
The Grayzone testifies at the UN - 'Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela: Propaganda vs. reality'
Testify with Moises Rendon: Made by Maduro: The Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela
Caracas stores mobbed as Maduro forces price cuts
Is the US Meddling in Venezuela? Max Blumenthal Asks US Congress Members.